Self Care for your mental wellbeing

Here are tips for self-care for your mental wellbeing. Your mind is one of the most fragile yet most powerful things in your body. It is so important to look after yourselves and learn how to look after your beautiful mind.

You can watch my video here or read the full blog post below

1. Talk to someone

A problem shared is a problem halved. sometimes people give you exactly what you need to hear for you to continue your journey in the most positive way for yourself

2. Journaling

Journaling is an amazing way to help relieve those heavy thoughts in your mind. Sometime we might not have access to our support around us. However, we always have our journal! You can write whatever you need and then even discuss it with your friends at an appropriate time but the most important thing is to let it off your chest. Click here

3. Art

Art is a powerful way to be mindful, once we find something that our mind becomes so focused on like a pen or brush stroke we can easily detach ourselves from everything else we might be thinking about

4. Watch a funny video

watching something funny is the easiest way to give yourself love. your mind can get caught up and focus on so many small heavy things that a little laughter can eradicate instantly. so take this as a reminder to spend some time watching your favourite funny show that makes you laugh out loud

5. Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great way to help clear your mind and relax those overwhelming thoughts. Neroli oil is a great one and has been proven to increases levels of serotonin, which is the happy hormone, and we could always use an extra sprinkle of serotonin. Give it a go!

6. Digital detox

We spend so much time on our phone. Whether it’s the constant screen time or the negative content we come across it can have an effect on your mind. To learn how to have a healthy relationship with your devices click here. It’s not always about letting things go, it’s about how to make them work for you in a positive way.

7. Mindfulness & Meditation

This is really important for your mental health because we can often let uncontrollable thoughts control us. So being mindful and choosing the thoughts you allow will put you in charge of your mind again. This is something to start now and it is a habit that you can form. To find out more you can read about it here

8. Affirmations & Quotes

I love surrounding my home with positive quotes so I am absorbing all this energy whilst doing my daily routine. For example, I have an affirmation stuck on my mirror that I see every day while I brush my teeth so all these positive words are in my mind as much as possible. The best self care for your mental health.


Gratitude will help you look after your mental health because it’s a reminder to not give into the negative thoughts. focusing on the things we have to be thankful for creates a new path way in our mind. So if we ever face a situation where we might not feel so good in, it will get easier to see the positive side of it. Click here to find out how to be positive and grateful.

10. Sleep

Sleep is another important thing that actually has a huge impact on your mental health. The most important thing to do is create a routine before you sleep, this doesn’t have to be too long but just a few things that get your mind in the zone to start switching off. I really love listening to a meditation so I can focus on relaxing my body. A shower to wash off my day is also another way I like to get ready for bed. So find what works for you and create a perfect bed time routine to set you up for the day.

Make sure you check out my video for more information here

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