Journal Prompts for Self Discovery

I love writing to work through my thoughts. So I wanted to share my journaling prompts for self discovery.

Self Discovery is important to me just as a way to check in with myself, see where I stand in my life and I like to just go back and look at my journey and mentality to see what’s been going on.

I always try to keep my journal entries as authentic as possible, I feel like it’s so important to keep a realistic way of journaling. For me, I think I have a strong intention of journaling that love and positivity is a really important way to get a better insight into your own life.

You can either watch my video here or read the full post below

So here are a few prompts to help guide you. You can go through all the questions in one go, or just take your time with one question too. It really depends on what you’re feeling. Usually, when I’m feeling quite clear in my head I can go in deeper and discover things about myself clearly too. I like to set up space, put a candle on, make sure there are no other sounds or distractions.

However, there are also times when I rush a little and only do one question because something in my head needs to be cleared. So you can take these however you want

Okay, time to jump into the questions…

1. What am I proud of?

This allows you to focus on the small things that have happened over the last few days or month. It’s important to think about this because, if you can find the little things that made you feel proud then you can tell you’re in a more mindful state. However, if you find it hard to think of something you’re proud of then maybe being more mindful is something you need to work on. These wins can be small and you might need the practice to notice them.

2. What do I think/worry about the most?

We spend a lot of time thinking so we need to be aware of our thoughts and if we want them. Again, it links with mindfulness so the more aware we are of our thoughts where we worry then the more mindful we may need to be.

3. Where do I spend most of my time?

Is this at work, your commute, at home on Instagram? Learn about where your time goes and are you happy with that. I only spend about 15-30 minutes on Instagram per day during the week and I’m working otherwise. So I’m happy with this. If you spend a few hours commuting to and from work each day are you happy with how you spend your time during that commute?

4. What is my happiest memory?

Write down the first thing that comes into your head. When I answer this question, there’s something that pops into my head but then I notice my mind try to change it. I sometimes think it should be something more obvious like my wedding day but these are only my expectations.

5. What does success mean to me?

Just nice to know where you stand in terms of being successful

6. How have I become more like myself today?

I love this one because society has somewhat taken control of our authenticity. So the more we become like our true selves the better it is.

7. What do I need more of in life and less of?

Surround yourself with things that keep you focused on your goal. This also means to take away things that stop you from going in that direction. You need to focus on the things that keep you in a positive state. Turn the negative things into positive things.

8. What limiting beliefs are holding me back?

A limiting belief is something that makes you doubt your own power. We all have them we just need to notice them and redirect them. For example, “I’m not good enough” when really we are as good as the best if we let ourselves be.

9. How do I talk to myself in the day?

Recognise how you talk to yourself, is it negative or positive and what triggers this. What makes you say unkind things to yourself and how can you learn to redirect those thoughts.

10. What would I do if you knew I wouldn’t fail?

I love this question because you can just go wild. Honestly, what would you do? In my opinion, there is no such thing as failure only lessons. So you can do the thing and succeed. The more you learn about yourself the more you can improve your life

I hope these were helpful and I hope you have beautiful journaling sessions. You can always reach out to me if you need help and I’m happy to share some more tips.

Sending you love,


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